Home > Artworks > maria de la cruz perez gutierrez

Photo of maria de la cruz perez gutierrez Spain

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Born in Almeria.Su first show is performed at eleven aos.Pintora autodidact, with a clear trend expresionismo.Ha long studied the technique of painting color.Su is centered on man and environment art degree in drawing Diploma in Drawing stico technician Diploma Diploma in Crafts Painting Competition Honor Moncada distinction Anfora Calvache-Almeria Melilla Golden House has painted the Royal Family has painted the Prince and...

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23.62 x 19.69 in
13.78 x 39.37 in
23.62 x 70.87 in
23.62 x 19.69 in
39.37 x 31.50 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 39.37 in
19.69 x 23.62 in
19.69 x 31.50 in
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Born in Almeria.Su first show is performed at eleven aos.Pintora autodidact, with a clear trend expresionismo.Ha long studied the technique of painting color.Su is centered on man and environment art degree in drawing Diploma in Drawing stico technician Diploma Diploma in Crafts Painting Competition Honor Moncada distinction Anfora Calvache-Almeria Melilla Golden House has painted the Royal Family has painted the Prince and Princess of Asturias has painted the Duchess of Alba Shows Individual: Sala Unicaja Almeria 1997 1995 Ateneo Ateneo de Sevilla Almeria Almeria 1999 Room 1997/1998 Fontana Library 2002 Room Villaespesa Almeria Roquetas de Mar Parador 2005 Room The San Jose Almeria Amoladeras has painted the Duchess of Montoro has painted D. Cesareo Rodriguez Aguilera, a distinguished journalist and president of the Association of Art Critics of Barcelona has painted the Christ Church-Almeria Uleila 1992 has painted the Christ of the Big Help Parish of the Assumption Parador-Roquetas de Mar 2006 has painted a Poet Celia Vilas Hall Group shows Catalonia City Hall Velazquez Dalias Diputacion de Almeria Almeria Malaga Cistercian Chamber International Art Fair Hague 2005-room GaudMadrid. Exmo City Art Fame Roquetas de Mar Aguadulce Almeria Exhibition 2005 School of Arts and Crafts Festival Almeria Collaboration in musical poetic anniversary Celia Vilas 2006 Other activities Member of the Cultural Association Parapsychology Celia Way Master Poet with three books published: Poetry and Feeling Poems 1995 Silent Strokes 2001 2007 Collaboration in the lyric comedy in one act, Smugglers, Ship Master. Lyricist of various Songs

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